
Friday, May 15, 2015

Writing like Crazy

Over the past couple of days I've been typing away at my computer. I am excited because I only have to write 2000 words per day for the next 16 days and Scandal Life will be complete. Excuse me, I mean step one will be complete. I will still have to go back and read it over. Edit. And then move onto Step 3 which will be have Beta readers look it over. Once this part is complete I will then  reedit once more and then it'll be ready to turn in to editors. Fun stuff right?

My next novel Scandal Life which I'm super excited about is 52% finished YAY!

Happy Writing and Reading

Monday, May 11, 2015

Updates and more

Hello Readers,

Hope everyone is doing great. I've been so busy in the best way possible. I got my Garden all planted. We tiled a floor. Got Runaways completed and turned into my agent. Got Rival Dreams completed and turned in my editorial changes to it. Working on Scandal Life and hope to have it finished and read for Beta Readers June 1. Yay!

But besides all that exciting news I want to tell you all where I will be in the next couple of weeks. I will be at Bookcon in NYC May 30th signing Rival Hearts and Rival Love. If you want to see me and get some stuff signed I'll be at Booth # 2579 at 4:00pm. :)